Thursday, January 28, 2016

Caterpillar Revenue Falls 23 Percent

Caterpillar Inc's quarterly profit beat estimates as the company cut costs in the face of slumping commodity prices that has hit demand for its construction and mining equipment.

Panduan Efektif mengatasi sariawan pada bayi

Tidak ada orang tua ingin melihat atau anaknya sakit. Luka kawah-seperti ini muncul di bagian dalam pipi atau di lidah dan hanya cukup menyakitkan untuk menjaga anak Anda rewel dan tidak dapat makan makanan tertentu sampai mereka sembuh.

Jadi apa yang menyebabkan iritasi ini? Tampaknya menjadi misteri nyata mengapa mereka meletus, meskipun ada beberapa faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap kedatangan mereka, termasuk stres, iritasi dari makanan pedas atau asam, dan luka-luka mulut dari chip, menyikat gigi, dan menggigit.

Jika stres emosional, kurang tidur atau cedera dalam mulut (misalnya, prosedur gigi) tampaknya menjadi pola untuk kekambuhan kanker anak Anda, kemungkinan yang simpleks herpes saya mungkin menyalahkan, virus yang sama yang menyebabkan luka dingin .

Di bawah ini adalah favorit saya, sangat efektif, anak-aman obat yang saya merekomendasikan kepada klien saya dan pembaca selama bertahun-tahun, mengumpulkan positif, umpan balik antusias. Pertama atas adalah obat anti-virus dan perawatan daripada yang dapat secara dramatis mempercepat proses penyembuhan.

Slippery Elm: Gunakan bubuk herbal ini dengan mencampurnya dengan air untuk membentuk pasta. Aplikasikan ke seriawan beberapa kali sehari. Untuk beberapa, obat ini bekerja dengan baik.

Goldenseal: Tanaman ini adalah favorit India untuk mengobati luka dan luka. Goldenseal memiliki astringent, antiseptik bahan kimia yang ajudan dalam penyembuhan luka dan infeksi. Tambahkan dua sendok teh goldenseal untuk satu cangkir air mendidih dan curam. Biarkan dingin untuk suam-suam kuku, dan menggunakan sebagai obat kumur dua atau tiga kali sehari.

Sariawan Pergilah: Dikemas dalam botol berukuran saku, topikal, sirup cahaya ini sangat cocok untuk melempar dalam dompet atau tas bayi. Ini berisi herbal dikenal memiliki sifat anti-virus yang bekerja untuk menyembuhkan dalam satu atau dua hari. Tuangkan beberapa tetes pada jari telunjuk dan mendaftar langsung ke sakit, kecuali anak Anda sudah cukup besar untuk melakukan ini sendiri. Jangan khawatir tentang air liur menipiskan obat, itu kontak awal yang melakukan trik. Ini telah bekerja sangat baik untuk anak-anak klien saya ', dan banyak teman saya.

Penyebab yang Bisa Juga menjadi Alergi Makanan atau Vitamin Kekurangan

Jika Anda perhatikan sariawan muncul setelah anak Anda makan makanan tertentu, cobalah menghilangkan pelakunya untuk jangka waktu dan kemudian memperkenalkan kembali itu. Jika kanker muncul, Anda memiliki jawaban Anda. Untuk anak-anak yang tampaknya untuk menangkap setiap dingin di sekitar, atau picky eaters yang mungkin tidak mendapatkan cukup vitamin, cobalah melengkapi dengan multi-vitamin pediatrik dari toko makanan kesehatan setempat di mana itu lebih mungkin vitamin akan dari kualitas unggul.

Jika penyebab yang tercantum di atas tampaknya tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan anak Anda, di sini adalah dua obat yang dapat membantu:

Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL): Bentuk ramuan licorice mengandung tanin, dan senyawa glycyrrhetinic-asam dan glycyrrhizin. Semua ini memiliki sifat anti-inflamasi dan membantu mempercepat penyembuhan sariawan pada bayi dan anak. Jika anak Anda sudah cukup besar untuk menggunakan obat kumur, larutkan satu kapsul dari licorice dalam satu setengah cangkir air hangat dua atau tiga kali sehari.

Tea Bag: Memegang kantong teh dihabiskan dan sedikit hangat pada kanker sakit harus memiliki efek menenangkan. Teh dikenal karena kemampuannya untuk "menarik-out" rasa sakit dan peradangan karena mengandung tanin. Tahan terhadap sakit selama mungkin hingga 30 menit. Ulangi dua kali sehari sampai sembuh.

Jika Anda mencoba salah satu obat ini dan itu tidak membantu masalah, hanya mencoba yang lain. Apa yang bekerja untuk satu anak, tidak selalu bekerja untuk selanjutnya. Jika luka bertahan selama lebih dari dua minggu atau jika rasa sakit menjadi tak tertahankan, menjadwalkan janji dengan dokter anak Anda.


Appreciating art


Perhaps you've gone to a gallery or art museum, looked at the artwork said and displayed to yourself, "What the heck is that? I can't understand it! Why is this here in a gallery?".

Or, maybe you've gone to a gallery or art museum and your reactions was, "Wow! I don't know why, but I do!".

Or, maybe you've gone to a gallery or art museum, and, after viewing the exhibits, you walk away feeling bored and disinterested. You may have said to yourself," Why do I bother with looking at art?

Like any other discipline, art requires the viewer to be knowledgeable about the information it presents. Sometimes we think we should just automatically understand art. There it is, just hanging there on the wall and all we have to do, we think, is just look at it. But do we really SEE it? Often, our response may be, "I don't know much about art, but I know what I like.".

That is just another way of saying, "What I like is really just based on my ignorance.".


Liking a certain artwork is a pleasure. You have communicated with visual phenomena and really enjoyed the experience. It can be a very enriching, rewarding experience to know how and why an art form developed or have some knowledge of how and why an artist works in a particular way. More than likely, your perspective is quite limited if you have never studied art or know how it has developed in not only, our Western culture but all over the world.

What if you could gain information on the many forms of art that have been produced since humanity began, and how it developed over time to the present day? It would mean that, equipped with that knowledge, you would be able to enjoy a lot more art!

The more you know about art and its development, the more you can enjoy looking at art! You will see much more and understand the context, content and style of the art form. And this is the basis of Art Appreciation-a study of how to expand your knowledge of the art world, past, future and present and, with that perspective, be able to communicate with the rich visual/creative world!


So, how do your start gaining knowledge of this vast art world? Where do you begin?

Begin by dipping your toe into Art History. With a basic Art History 101 knowledge you will be able to see how art, as we know it, was not really a term until the science of Art History was developed in our western culture. And, when it was developed, as you can read in many art history books in the library, art has existed as long as humans have been able to pick up a stick, brush or chisel and record their lives and experiences.

There are several ways of learning how to appreciate art:.

How art developed, from the Lascaux cave paintings to modern art today. The study of Art History has, over time, become global. In learning the time lines and factors that produce new perspectives and styles in art, you will not only gain a new historical perspective, but also become acquainted with the various art forms produced over the past centuries.

Or maybe you've always wanted to know the difference between Op Art and Pop Art. Through studying the cultural impact of a certain style on a specific period in time, you can understand why that particular art form developed and appreciate the artwork in a broader context.

THREE-- Take a tour of your local art museum. Museums offer a wide variety of art educational programs and tours of their exhibits. Or travel and see the actual art in its setting. There are many websites on the Internet listing global art tours and travel, often by geographical location or specific art and architectural styles. On site art tours offer an interesting and unique way to travel and can give you an intimate, one on one perspective with the historical art and culture of the area. Tour groups are generally small in number and conducted by very knowledgeable guides delighted to respond to all of your questions and comments.

FOUR-Visit your local art galleries often. Galleries are supportive of their artists and gallery owners and attendants are usually quite pleased at your interest in their exhibits. They will be glad to give you information on the artists, such as whether they are local, where they have shown their work, what awards they have won, and who has purchased their artwork. Keep informed of present and future exhibits. This hands on approach, connects you closely with affordable art that is available where you live and often created by artists who live in or near your area.


Art Appreciation is as big or small a study as you want to do. Whether you want to make it a serious study or an occasional outing, whatever you choose, learning how art forms have historically developed and understanding what is on the walls in your local gallery will definitely change your perspective.

Wouldn't it be great to be able to discuss a painting on the wall in a gallery, instead of shrugging and muttering, "I don't know much about art, but I know what I like.".

Think of it. Perhaps your response would be more like, "I like the way this artist uses color in an Expressionistic style. The brushwork is so vigorous! There is a lot of energy in the composition. The use of thick paint produces an interesting texture.".

Through Art Appreciation you can discover a rich visual/creative world that will inspire you and beckon you to learn more.

The more you know about art and its development, the more you can enjoy looking at art! And this is the basis of Art Appreciation-a study of how to expand your knowledge of the art world, past, present and future and, with that perspective, be able to communicate with the rich visual/creative world!

With a basic Art History 101 knowledge you will be able to see how art, as we know it, was not really a term until the science of Art History was developed in our western culture. And, when it was developed, as you can read in many art history books in the library, art has existed as long as humans have been able to pick up a stick, brush or chisel and record their experiences and lives.

Or maybe you've always wanted to know the difference between Op Art and Pop Art.

Indonesia Digital Agency

High performing businesses know that they can no longer ignore the importance of their web and digital initiatives as marketing and communication platforms to connect with their customers and target markets. The challenge for these businesses when looking for a service provider for web online, design and development marketing services, is how to isolate the 'right' service provider from the thousands in the market. An eight year old can build a website these days (yes, I've seen it), so what do businesses serious about succeeding online need to look for?

Digital agencies tend to differ from their more traditional advertising agencies and their marketing agency counterparts in that they tend to deliver only certain types of web complimentary off-line services such as logo design, icon design and graphic design. Some advertising and marketing agencies do however attempt to deliver digital work but there are a number of shortfalls for businesses that are serious about online solutions utilising their services.

The majority outsource online services to other experts and are struggling to survive the growing demand for businesses to include more complex web based marketing solutions. They may be able to offer basic web related services but struggle when their client's requirements are more complex or custom.

Digital marketing agencies have also been evolving to define themselves in the ever changing online world. Digital agency services cross so many of the traditional service lines including advertising, graphic design, web design and development, online marketing and search engine optimisation that before the digital agency was coined, there wasn't really a way to describe them without merging service streams.

The full service digital agency is certainly one of the Internet's best kept secrets. The term digital agency has been on the rise since the start of 2005 and it growing every day, whilst the term "advertising agency" has been in steady decline.

According to Wikipedia, a digital agency is a business that delivers services for the technical and creative development of Internet based products. These services range from the more generalist such as web design, e-mail marketing, logo design and micro sites, to the more specialist such as custom built content management systems, ecommerce, web application development, social media marketing, mobile compatible web development, search engine optimisation, and systems integration services.

How does a business choose when looking for a marketing solution that incorporates digital online media?

This also reduces the overall costs of the project because the businesses details, their goals and the relationship with the provider are all vested in one place.

This might work, however a digital agency is capable to service both of these requirements and ensure that the two services are properly integrated throughout the project life cycle.

Another example is when a business has a long term relationship with a creative or design agency to support the company's brand. The business decides it is time to launch their website and brief their agency on the requirements.

When considering the design and development of a new website, a digital agency is a much smarter choice because they really do have the full suite of expertise and know what they are talking about.

I personally view digital agencies as the perfect catalyst to help businesses consolidate these outsourced web, design and online marketing services? Take for example a business that is looking to commission a new website to be designed and developed and need to ensure that the new website will rank high in the search engines. Some people would consider separating the website design from the SEO and end up commissioning two different service providers to carry out the work.

The competency and skills required include: Front end developers, system architects, web designers, usability specialists, online marketers and SEO experts, back end and database programmers and much more. Ideally the team is located under one roof with everyone working together and sharing their knowledge so that together they can create a high quality solution that meets the client's expectations.

As a result of not having a digital agency with a pool of skill sets, the business' website is designed and developed by a "jack-of-all-web" web guys that does a standard job but doesn't excel on any front. To get a truly impressive website, a range of skills and expertise is required.

The key benefits to working with a digital and SEO agency:

1. Centralising your online requirements with one supplier. This can result in cost reductions and savings from combining services such as your web development with your online marketing or graphic design.

2. Dedicated account manager - One person to contact or call for all of you digital needs. Whether it's an email marketing campaign, latest analytics reports, new email account, hosting upgrade or better search engine ranking - you only have to make one call.

3. Is going wrong with your website, you know who to call. One phone call and everything is taken care of.

4. Pool of expertise. In a digital agency, you find a wide range of people with specialised skills in each and every facet of the web and online industry.

Albertus Prayudi is the Founder and Managing Director of NeoLightMedia, a Jakarta, Indonesia based full-service digital agency specialising in creating unique digital experiences and online solutions that solve problems and deliver results.

The challenge for these businesses when looking for a service provider for web development, design and online marketing services, is how to isolate the 'right' service provider from the thousands in the market. The majority outsource online services to other experts and are struggling to survive the growing demand for businesses to include more complex web based marketing solutions. They may be able to offer basic web related services but struggle when their client's requirements are more complex or custom.

NeoLightMedia services include web design and usability, development, digital strategy, eCommerce, integrated marketing, project management and our online collaboration and eLearning system Schoolbox.

Now I have that off my chest and you have the top reasons why you should choose a digital agency for your next web project or social media strategy, there's never been a better time to get in contact with a committed team that can't wait to work with you.

The full service digital & SEO agency is certainly one of the Internet's best kept secrets. I personally view digital agencies as the perfect catalyst to help businesses consolidate these outsourced web, design and online marketing services?

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Analyzing Cisco's Return on Equity (ROE) (CSCO)

Learn about Cisco's ROE and see how the company's most recent results compare to historical results and large-cap networking and communications equipment peers.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Mask (Buk, Krar, or Kara)

Mask (Buk, Krar, or Kara)

Date: mid to late 19th century
Geography: Australia, Mabuiag Island, Queensland, Torres Strait
Culture: Torres Strait Islander
Medium: Turtle shell, wood, cassowary feathers, fiber, resin, shell, paint
Dimensions: H. 21 1/2 x W. 25 x D. 22 3/4 in. (54.6 x 63.5 x 57.8 cm)
Classification: Costumes
Credit Line: The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Purchase, Nelson A. Rockefeller Gift, 1967
Accession Number: 1978.412.1510

Information about hundreds of thousands of works of art is available in The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Collection Database.

Photograph Credits | Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy

© 2000–2015 The Metropolitan Museum of Art. All rights reserved.

Tools for Finding the Right Loan or Grant for Your Small Business

Learn more about some of the best tools, resources and organizations available to connect small business owners with business funding opportunities.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

KLAUS - Gameplay Trailer | PS4

Klaus is lost and alone. Who, where, why: he knows nothing. Only you can help him find the truth. Join Klaus and K1—a friendly brute—as you navigate this precision based puzzle platformer through a geometric kaleidoscope of pop art, high-contrast worlds. Klaus is a precision-based puzzle platformer with a self-aware narrative and unique PS4 touchpad-based controls. Klaus's tight & challenging platforming takes inspiration from hyper-precise classics such as Super Meat Boy & Megaman and combines them with a tense and emotionally engaging narrative akin to those of Limbo and Thomas Was Alone. With a minimalistic aesthetic and an electronic soundtrack, KLAUS will appeal to gamers both for its style and unique gameplay experience. 'KLAUS' SOFTWARE IS A PROPERTY OF LA COSA ENTERTAINMENT INC. 2015

NeuroVoider Trailer | PS4

NeuroVoider is hitting PS4 this spring. NeuroVoider* is a twin-stick shooter RPG set in a cyber futuristic world about brains shooting evil robots with nuclear rocket launchers. Battle through the horde of vigilant robots, boost your character with the smoking remains of your victims, and defeat the master NeuroVoider to end this eternal war. Play it coop with up to 4 friends, or go alone in an adventure of hack'n'slash rampage, with a pinch of rogue-lite, and some permadeath.

Amazing Discoveries In Outer Space - Gameplay Trailer | PS4

Video Description (30 word minimum): An odyssey through the galaxy where physics-based space-flight and platforming action blend seamlessly together. Explore a colorful universe filled with amazing discoveries, alien races, and fashionable hats. Available February 2016

Backtrack Official International Trailer #1 (2016) - Adrien Body, Sam Neill Thriller HD

Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK: Follow us on TWITTER: The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you've been waiting for, the Fandango MOVIECLIPS team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they're released. In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know. Here at Fandango MOVIECLIPS, we love movies as much as you!

PlayStation Network Careers - Why Work When You Can Play? Talented colleagues, new opportunities, and exciting challenges. That’s why we come into work every day! Working on PlayStation Network, we’re surrounded by the industry’s best and brightest. In supporting Sony and PlayStation, we deliver the world’s most exciting entertainment content to users all over the world! Our Linked Company Page: Our Glassdoor Page:

Neville Longbottom To Cameo In Fantastic Beasts? | MTV

Matt Lewis chats to MTV about revisitng Neville Longbottom for Fantastic Beasts! CLICK HERE TO BE JOIN THE MTV PARTY! Fill your life with MTV! Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Facebook: Official:

Layers of Fear - Announcement Trailer | PS4

Layers of Fear is a first-person psychedelic horror game with a heavy focus on story and exploration Delve deep into the mind of an insane painter and discover the secret of his madness, as you explore a vast and constantly changing Victorian-era mansion. Uncover the visions, fears and horrors that entwine the painter and finish the masterpiece he has strived so long to create. Features: • Psychedelic horror – Careful where you look! Each turn of the camera may completely change the appearance of your surroundings. • Living art – A combination of original and classic art will move you—in more ways than one. • Story-focused exploration – Explore the mansion to uncover details of the painter’s dark and tragic past. Rated Mature: Use of Alcohol, Partial Nudity, Strong Language © 2016 Published and distributed by Aspyr Media, Inc. “Aspyr” and the Aspyr “star” logo are federally registered trademarks of Aspyr Media, Inc. "Layers of Fear" and Bloober Team are all trademarks and/ or registered trademarks of Bloober Team Inc. All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

GoPro: Bat Cave

Cristian Dimitrius and Fran Hutchins travel to a cave outside San Antonio, Texas to watch a tornado of bats take over the sky. Shot 100% on the HERO4® camera from ‪ Get stoked and subscribe: To license clips from this video go to Music Welder: "Animoninde" Link to buy: For more from GoPro, follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: Vine:

Shopkins Season 1, Shopkins Season 2, Shopkins Season 3, Shopkins Season 4, Play Doh Peppa Pig

Today i'm unboxing 4 Shopkins shopping baskets from seasons 1,2,3,4. Also using play-doh stampers to make the Nickelodeon cartoon characters. Peppa Pig has blue playdoh. Pig George has play-doh-sparkle. Mommy Pig has green sparkling playdough, and Daddy Pig has purple playdough. Meet the Noms, cute scented characters full of surprises! There are 4 different NumNoms: ice cream Nums, cupcake Nums, lipgloss Noms, motorized Noms. A cupful of cuteness and a spoonful of surprise makes Num Noms. To create your own flavor fusion mix a num and a nom, the perfect recipe for mischief. Also available as mystery cup surprises and playset!!! From MGA Entertainment, the creators of Lalaloopsy, Bratz and Little Tikes, here's a new wave of cute tiny scented surprises that you can mix, match and stack on top of each other to create a fantastic world of Num Noms. Une tasse de douceur et une cuillère de surprise créent les Num Noms. créent les num noms. Pour créer ta propre fusion de saveurs, melange un num et un nom c'est la recette parfaite de la plaisanterie. Choisis un num, à joute un nom, et une tasse ou un cornet. Crée tes propres combinaisons delirantes de saveurs. Quatre collections différentes à choisir: Nums petits gâteaux, Nums crème glacée, Noms motorises, Noms brillant à lèvres. НЯМ НЯМС Сюрпризы Распаковка Вкуснящих Сюрпризов-Десертов с Запахом. Вкусненькие Пахученькие Ням Нямки Распаковываем НОВЫЕ Сюрпризы.

Angaleena Presley - Drunk (Live at Celtic Connections 2016)

Filmed for BBC Radio Scotland and Another Country with Ricky Ross at the CCA in Glasgow. For more:

"Just Jillian" Is Brand New Tuesdays | Just Jillian | E!

Just when you think you really know Jillian Michaels, she's proving everyone wrong! Check out "Just Jillian" Tuesdays at 10|9c! FEATURED MUSIC: “Next Level” by Kylie Rothfield SUBSCRIBE: About E! Entertainment: E! is on the Pulse of Pop Culture, bringing fans the very best original content including reality series, scripted programming, exclusive specials, breaking entertainment news, streaming events and more. Passionate viewers can’t get enough of our Pop Culture hits including "Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” “Fashion Police,” “The Royals,” "Total Divas” and “Botched.” And with new original programming on the way, fans have even more to love. Connect with E! Entertainment: Visit the E! Website: Like E! on FACEBOOK: Check out E! on INSTAGRAM: Follow E! on TWITTER: Follow E! on Spotify: "Just Jillian" Is Brand New Tuesdays | Just Jillian | E!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Suicide Squad Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Jared Leto, Margot Robbie Movie HD

Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK: Follow us on TWITTER: Suicide Squad Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Jared Leto, Margot Robbie Movie HD A secret government agency recruits imprisoned supervillains to execute dangerous black ops missions in exchange for clemency. The Movieclips Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you've been waiting for, the Movieclips team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they're released. In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know. Here at Movieclips, we love movies as much as you!

World of Tanks - Launch Trailer | PS4 World of Tanks is now available on the PlayStation®4. Dive into the free-to-play global online multiplayer phenomenon dedicated to the golden age of tank warfare in the mid-20th century. All Rights Reserved. "" and "World of Tanks" and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Wargaming in the USA and other countries.

Unravel - Create Your Own Yarny Trailer | PS4 Yarny’s adventure begins on February 9 in Unravel, a physics-based platformer. But you don’t need to wait until then to go hands-on with Yarny if you make one of your own! Learn more about the game at ( Creative Director Martin Sahlin gives instructions on how you can make Yarny using wire and yarn, just like he did in the forest of Northern Scandinavia. For more information on making Yarny, check out this guide on the Unravel website: ( Unravel is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Tweet your photo of Yarny with geolocation on to @unravel_game. © 2015 Electronic Arts Inc. Unravel is a trademark of Electronic Arts Inc.

Rocketbirds 2 Evolution - Coming Soon Trailer | PS4, PS Vita

Everyone’s favorite fearsome, feathered fighting force is back with a vengeance! Rocketbirds 2: Evolution, the sequel to the fan-favorite original Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken, is coming soon to the PlayStation®4 and the PS Vita.    About Ratloop Asia Ratloop Inc. is a US based Independent game studio that has created innovative entertainment products since 1997. Ratloop Asia Pte Ltd was incorporated to support a development team based in Singapore to work on Rocketbirds. Its flagship title, "Rocketbirds: Revolution!" garnered three award nominations at the 2010 Independent Games Festival, including Excellence in Audio, Excellence in Visual Art and the Seumas McNally Grand Prize. Since then, Ratloop Asia has grown from a tiny two man team to a 10 man studio, bringing the definitive version of the game, "Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken" to PlayStation®3, PlayStation®Vita as well as Steam (available for Windows/Mac/Linux). Since its launch, the game sold over a million copies and the studio has been perfecting its definitive sequel, "Rocketbirds 2 Evolution" since 2013.

CWL Top 5 Plays of the Week: 2016 Jan 15 – Nagafen tricks 3 in Redwood Which play was the most clutch? Who had the best headshot? See who made into this week's top plays from the Call of Duty World League Pro Division. Rated Mature: Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Strong Violence

Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising Official Set Visit (2016) - Seth Rogen, Zac Efron Comedy HD

Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK: Follow us on TWITTER: Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising Official Set Visit (2016) - Seth Rogen, Zac Efron Comedy HD Shirtless Zac Efron! And…Seth Rogen! Dan Perrault visits the set of Neighbors 2. The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you've been waiting for, the Fandango MOVIECLIPS team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they're released. In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know. Here at Fandango MOVIECLIPS, we love movies as much as you!

GoPro: Danny Macaskill's Cascadia - Inside a GoPro Production

Get a Behind the Scenes look at how GoPro media team members, Seamus Makim, Justin Whiting, Sean Balmer and Jennifer Long worked with Danny Mackaskill and his crew to create the Cascadia video in Gran Canaria, Spain. In collaboration with Mount Creative and Vision Ramps A Special Thanks to the wonderful people of Gran Canaria who opened their homes to us and helped make this project a reality. Muchas gracias a la gente de Gran Canaria por tu hospitalidad! Shot 100% on the HERO4® camera from ‪ Get stoked and subscribe: To license clips from this video go to Music Courtesy of ExtremeMusic For more from GoPro, follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: Vine:

What's Next for Kourtney and Scott on "Kardashians"? | KUWTK | E!

Could this be the end of an era for Kourtney K. and Scott Disick? Find out on a brand new "Keeping Up with The Kardashians" Sunday at 9|8c on E! SUBSCRIBE: About Keeping Up With the Kardashians: Things change, but this famous family stays the same. Can you keep up with the drama? Connect with the Kardashians: Visit the KUWTK WEBSITE: Like KUWTK on FACEBOOK: Follow KUWTK on TWITTER: About E! Entertainment: E! is on the Pulse of Pop Culture, bringing fans the very best original content including reality series, scripted programming, exclusive specials, breaking entertainment news, streaming events and more. Passionate viewers can’t get enough of our Pop Culture hits including "Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” “Fashion Police,” “The Royals,” "Total Divas” and “Botched.” And with new original programming on the way, fans have even more to love. Connect with E! Entertainment: Visit the E! WEBSITE: Like E! on FACEBOOK: Check out E! on INSTAGRAM: Follow E! on TWITTER: What's Next for Kourtney and Scott on "Kardashians"? | KUWTK | E!

Latte panna cotta recipe - Mary Berry's Foolproof Cooking: Episode 1 Preview - BBC Two

Programme website: Mary makes her delicious latte panna cotta.

The Boy Official Trailer #2 (2016) - Lauren Cohan Horror Movie HD

Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK: Follow us on TWITTER: The Boy Official Trailer #2 (2016) - Lauren Cohan Horror Movie HD Greta is a young American woman who takes a job as a nanny in a remote English village, only to discover that the family's 8-year-old is a life-sized doll that the parents care for just like a real boy, as a way to cope with the death of their actual son 20 years prior. After violating a list of strict rules, a series of disturbing and inexplicable events bring Greta's worst nightmare to life, leading her to believe that the doll is actually alive. The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you've been waiting for, the Fandango MOVIECLIPS team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they're released. In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know. Here at Fandango MOVIECLIPS, we love movies as much as you!

Ex On The Beach Season 4 | Meet Olivia! | MTV

'A unicorn looks good but it could also kill someone and I feel that could be me... maybe' Our little Manchester lass Olivia enters EOTB and has a few things to say about it! It's here! With even more tears, fights, relationships, non-relationships and lots of. Well we're SURE you can guess... Click here to never miss any action from this season!: Get social with MTV: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Facebook: Official:

The Deadly Tower of Monsters - Full Trailer | PS4

Green screen! Lasers! And a tower full of deadly monsters! When Dick Starspeed crash-lands his rocket on the planet of Gravoria, he’ll have to fight through dinosaurs, nukular ants, and other skilled, costumed stuntmen to make it up the deadly tower of monsters. Fire up your ray guns, crystal swords, and laser whips, and get ready for thrills and chills! Be amazed by the state-of-the-art effects, including stop-motion, rotoscope, image compositing, and even some elaborate costumes covered in real fur! With three incredible movie stars playing out decidedly B-level sci-fi exploits, Dick Starspeed, Scarlet Nova, and Robot will have you ready to jump off the side of the tower—right into adventure! Gather your courage and prepare to face off against the more than half-a-hundred monsters that will try and stop your ascension up THE DEADLY TOWER OF MONSTERS! Also: don’t miss out on the laugh-a-minute director’s commentary! Website: © 2015 ACE Team. © ATLUS. Licensed to and published by Atlus U.S.A., Inc.

Scott Wood Band - Barber Ave. (live at Celtic Connections 2016)

Filmed live on BBC Radio Scotland's Travelling Folk. For more:

GoPro: Hang Gliding Wilson Arch

Join Zac Majors and the Rhythm of Flight team as they thread a needle and fly through the Wilson Arch outside Moab, Utah. Filmed by Max Seigal. Shot 100% on the HERO4® camera from ‪ Check out more from Max Seigal: Check out more from Rhythm of Flight: Get stoked and subscribe: To license clips from this video, go to Music Evil Needle: "Moodolude 03" Link to buy: For more from GoPro, follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: Vine:

Want to Dance with TLC's Chilli (and Burn Serious Calories)? Now You Can!

"I try to work out every day," Rozanda "Chilli" Thomas tells PEOPLE

Ex On The Beach Season 4 | Meet Helen! | MTV

Cat lover, Quirky and SICK. Welcome Helen to Paradise! It's here! With even more tears, fights, relationships, non-relationships and lots of. Well we're SURE you can guess... Click here to never miss any action from this season!: Get social with MTV: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Facebook: Official:

Bruised fruit - Still Open All Hours: Series 2 Episode 6 Preview - BBC One

Programme website: Mrs Thing spots a bruised apple but Granville's objective is to still take her money.

The John Langan Band - Winter Song (live at Celtic Connections 2016)

Filmed live on BBC Radio Scotland's Travelling Folk. For more:

Charlotte Crosby on Instagram, Bum Blitz & Naked Selfies!! | MTV

Charlotte chats to MTV about her new DVD '3 Minute Bum Blitz' and that Naked Selfie that had us all fixed! Click here to never miss any MTV action! GET SOCIAL WITH US? Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Facebook: Official:

Monday, January 18, 2016

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Trailer | PS4, PS Vita

Celebrating its 15th Anniversary, the Digimon franchise makes its faithful return to PlayStation™ systems in true RPG form in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth. In Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, scan, raise, and train your faithful Digimon companions to battle by your side in classic, turn-based battles! Become a detective and gather clues to solve a strange phenomenon infecting the real & digital worlds. © Akiyoshi Hongo, Toei Animation. Game © 2015 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.

Barbershop: The Next Cut Official Trailer #2 (2016) - Ice Cube, Nicki Minaj Movie HD

Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK: Follow us on TWITTER: Barbershop: The Next Cut Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Ice Cube, Nicki Minaj Movie HD It's been more than 10 years since our last appointment at Calvin's Barbershop. Calvin and his longtime crew are still there, but the shop has undergone some major changes. Most noticeably, our once male-dominated sanctuary is now co-ed. The ladies bring their own flavor, drama and gossip to the shop challenging the fellas at every turn. Despite the good times and camaraderie within the shop, the surrounding community has taken a turn for the worse, forcing Calvin and our crew to come together to not only save the shop, but their neighborhood. The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you've been waiting for, the Fandango MOVIECLIPS team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they're released. In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know. Here at Fandango MOVIECLIPS, we love movies as much as you!

See the Celebs Tyler Henry Will Read This Season | Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry | E!

Amber Rose, Snooki, Boy George and more are ready to experience the young psychic. "Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry" premieres Sunday at 10|9c on E! SUBSCRIBE: About E! Entertainment: E! is on the Pulse of Pop Culture, bringing fans the very best original content including reality series, scripted programming, exclusive specials, breaking entertainment news, streaming events and more. Passionate viewers can’t get enough of our Pop Culture hits including "Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” “Fashion Police,” “The Royals,” "Total Divas” and “Botched.” And with new original programming on the way, fans have even more to love. Connect with E! Entertainment: Visit the E! WEBSITE: Like E! on FACEBOOK: Check out E! on INSTAGRAM: Follow E! on TWITTER: Follow E! on Spotify: See the Celebs Tyler Henry Will Read This Season | Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry | E!

The Perfect Match Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Donald Faison, Paula Patton Movie HD

Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK: Follow us on TWITTER: The Perfect Match Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Donald Faison, Paula Patton Movie HD Terrence J. stars as Charlie, a playboy who's convinced that relationships are dead. His two best friends, Donald Faison and Robert C. Riley, bet him that if he sticks to one woman for one month, he's bound to get attached. Charlie denies this until he crosses paths with the beautiful and mysterious Eva, played by singer/actress Cassie. They may agree to a casual affair, but eventually Charlie is questioning whether he may actually want more. The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you've been waiting for, the Fandango MOVIECLIPS team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they're released. In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know. Here at Fandango MOVIECLIPS, we love movies as much as you!

The Great Sport Relief Bake Off: Trailer - BBC One

Programme website: From Friday 18th - Sunday 20th March you can walk, swim or cycle yourselves proud!

Would You Rather? 5th Wave Edition! Chloe Moretz & Nick Robinson | MTV

The cast of The 5th Wave tells us what technology they’d miss most if they lost it. JOIN THE MTV FILM PARTY @ Fill your life with MTV! Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Facebook: Official:

Happy Valley - Series 2: Trailer - BBC One

Programme website: BAFTA award winning drama Happy Valley is returning soon to BBC One.

Killzone Visual Design I PlayStation Gear Killzone Visual Design is a must-have for Killzone fans and futuristic design aficionados alike. Pre-order your copy from the PlayStation Gear store today. Learn More: Details: Releasing on February 1st , Killzone Visual Design is a comprehensive art book celebrating the 15-year visual design history of the Killzone series. Published by the digital art experts at Cook & Becker, this impressive tome is filled with over 200 pages of lavish full-color spreads and insightful commentary from Guerrilla’s own visual design artists and art directors. While the team at Guerrilla Games has grown significantly over the years – with 250 developers, working on two brand-new IPs in two different locations – one thing has never changed: their characteristic approach to visual design. Pre-order today!

Natalya's plan to save the family - War & Peace: Episode 4 Preview - BBC One

Programme website: Countess Natalya Rostova has a plan to secure the family fortune but will Nikolai go along with his mother’s scheme?

GoPro: Secret Broadcast's 3D-Printed Instruments

Secret Broadcast heads to the 3D printing facility to get some new gear and perform "One Born Every Minute." See how they lost their instruments when they were stopped by police in the original video: Shot 100% on the HERO4® camera from ‪ Get stoked and subscribe: To license clips from this video go to Music: Secret Broadcast: "One Born Every Minute" For more from GoPro, follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: Vine:

Music Box Surprise Disney Princess Anna Elsa Play Doh Surprise Peppa Pig Kinder MyLittlePony Toys

Today i'm unboxing Disney Frozen music box filled with surprise toys such as Kinder egg My Little Pony, Play-Doh surprise, MLP My Little Pony Fashems Surprise, Nickelodeon Peppa Pig choco egg, and several DisneyTsumTsum figures. Here's how Princess is called in other languages: Princesas Disney, Princesses Disney, Disney Prinzessinnen, Principesse Disney, Princesas da Disney, Disney πριγκίπισσες, Дисней принцесс, 디즈니 공주, Prinses, ディズニーのお姫様, Vorstin, koningsdochter, Prinzessin, Fürstin, πριγκίπισσα, principessa, księżniczka, królewna, принцесса. Bienvenidos a mi canal de juegos y juguetes para bebés y niños en edad preescolar. Suscríbase a nuestro canal y siga los videos :) Benvenuti ai miei giochi di canale e giocattoli per neonati e bambini in età prescolare che ama le bambole e giocattoli. Iscriviti al nostro canale e seguire le video :) Bienvenue sur ma canal jouets. C'est une chaîne pour bébés et tout-petits enfants d'âge préscolaire où vous trouverez des vidéos pâte à modeler et oeufs surprise, les jouets surprise de Disney. My little pony is a line of plastic ponies developed by hasbro toys which is marketed to young girls and teens. Its also called: "Mein kleines Pony" "Ma petite pouliche" "Mon petit poney" "Mio mini Pony" "Meu Pequeno Pónei" "Meu Querido Pônei" "Mój Mały Kucyk" "Micul Meu Ponei" マイリトルポニー. ディズニー ツムツム Disney Tsum Tsum are collectible plushies, diecast cars, and carrying case based on popular characters from Disney Pixar. The name tsumtsum comes from the Japanese verb tsumu meaning "to stack", and the die-cast cars and plushies are designed to sit on top of each other, forming a pyramid. 迪士尼. Disney Frozen Elsa Princess Anna Olaf Transforming Easter Eggs. DisneyTsumTsum Blind Bags Surprise Figures Mickey Minnie. Disney Tsum Tsum 9-Pack Mystery TsumTsum Surprise Stitch. 15 Disney Tsum Tsum Bath Bomb Surprise ディズニー ツムツム. Disney TSUM TSUM Furuta Chocolate Surprise Eggs Inside Out. Tomica Disney Tsum Tsum Cars Diecast Collection ディズニー ツムツム Takara Tomy. Disney Tsum Tsum Inside Out Furuta Surprise Eggs Sadness Fear Joy Anger Play Doh Toys ディズニー ツムツム. Princess Anna Dress Up BatGirl Halloween Costume. Princess Elsa Dress Up as Wonder Woman Halloween Costume.

Joe & Caspar Take On: The Traditions Challenge! | MTV

After their road trip around Europe, how much do Joe Sugg and Caspar Lee know about European traditions? CLICK HERE TO BE JOIN THE MTV PARTY!: Fill your life with MTV! Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Facebook: Official:

The Royal Hangover 1/17 | The Royals | E!

"The Royals" creator Mark Schwahn reveals inside details on the shocking season finale alongside special guests Alexandra Park and William Moseley on the after show. SUBSCRIBE: About E! Entertainment: E! is on the Pulse of Pop Culture, bringing fans the very best original content including reality series, scripted programming, exclusive specials, breaking entertainment news, streaming events and more. Passionate viewers can’t get enough of our Pop Culture hits including "Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” “Fashion Police,” “The Royals,” "Total Divas” and “Botched.” And with new original programming on the way, fans have even more to love. Connect with E! Entertainment: Visit the E! WEBSITE: Like E! on FACEBOOK: Check out E! on INSTAGRAM: Follow E! on TWITTER: Follow E! on Spotify: The Royal Hangover 1/17 | The Royals | E!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Paw Patrol Play Doh Patrol To The Rescue Dough Set by Nickelodeon Mold puppies

Race to the rescue with Paw Patrol To The Rescue Dough set. Mold Paw Patrol characters with this Play Dough molding Playset. This set comes with 3 Paw Patrol vehicles and the Paw Patrol Lookout Station that holds 4 additional Paw Patrol character molds. There is even a Paw Patrol badge that can extrude dog bone treats. Playset also called: plastilina La Patrulla Canina, Jouet La Pat' Patrouille pâte à modeler, Le centre de formation sauvetage, Centro de Formación de Rescate, Центр Подготовки Спасателей, Play Doh Patrulha de Cachorros, Тесто Щенячий патруль, Ciasto Psi Patrol, Grać Doh Psi Patrol, plastilina Patrulla de Cachorros. When the Pups get a rescue call at Lookout Tower it's time to spring into action! Just press the dough into the mold and pop out your Pup. Recreate all your favorite rescues using the Lookout Tower the Adventure Bay backdrop included. The mold doubles as the Pup's car so you can drive to the rescue on the double! Mold and play in Adventure Bay with the Paw Patrol dough set. PAW Patrol is also called: La Pat' Patrouille, Psi Patrol, Patrulha Canina, Patrulla de Cachorros, Squadra Zampa, Щенячий патруль, A mancs őrjárat, Patrulla de los Carachos, Patrulla de la Pata, 爪子巡逻, chân tuần tra, patte patrouille, 足のパト, ロール, tass patrull, Pfote Patrouille, pata de patrulha, лапа патруль, patróil lapa, klou patrollie, dorëshkrim patrullë, labă de patrulare, шапа патрола, La squadra dei cuccioli. Here's how Dough also called: plastilina, pasta de modelar, Arcilla, juegos de modelar, Softee-Dough, Moon-Dough, Clay, Plasticine, Pâte à modeler, Modelliermasse, Plastilin, Plastiline, Plasticina, пластилин, лепка из глины, Crayola, modelimit, Muovailuvaha, 플레이도, Ciastolina, 培樂多, modeliranje tijesta, моделирање тесто, modelowanie ciasta, modellezés tészta, modellering deeg, nacta, modeling clay, tecto, ciasto, knete, Grać Doh, 建模面团, massa de modelagem, modeling kuwarta, mẫu bột, pemodelan adonan, モデリング生地, pasta da modellare, modellering deg, brumë modelimit, modellezés tészta, modellering deeg, 모델링 반죽. Kit de pâte à modeler de la Pat’ Patrouille. Le fabuleux tour de contrôle Poste de surveillance de la Pat Patrouille, connu également comme le quartier général de la Pat Patrouille ou poste de surveillance ou encore quartier général de la Pat’ Patrouille et des moulages pour faire Chase avec sa voiture de police, Ruben avec son camion de chantier et Marcus avec son camion de pompier. Nous allons aussi faire Zuma, Rocky, Skye et Everest. Chaque membre de la Pat’ Patrouille aura même des croquettes. Nickelodeon La Pat' Patrouille jouet Le quartier général Ovetti Sorpresa de cioccolato Dolci Preziosi La squadra dei cuccioli. Nickelodeon Paw Patrol Paddlin Pups with Shopkins Season4. Juguete Paw Patrol Play Doh Surprise Eggs Huevos Sorpresa. Paw Patrol Pups In Training Game with Chase, Rubble, and Skye: Paw Patrol Ultimate Rescue Truck Paw Patroller DisneyCars. Mashems Paw Patrol Mega Surprise Fashems Epic Collection. Paw Patrol Backpack Surprise Chase's Pup Pack Toy FASHEMS.

Anneka Rice's Lifeline Appeal for Riding for the Disabled Association - BBC One

Programme website: Anneka Rice's Lifeline Appeal for Riding for the Disabled Association

Green Room Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Imogen Poots, Patrick Stewart Movie HD

Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK: Follow us on TWITTER: Green Room Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Imogen Poots, Patrick Stewart Movie HD A young punk rock band find themselves trapped in a secluded venue after stumbling upon a horrific act of violence. The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you've been waiting for, the Fandango MOVIECLIPS team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they're released. In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know. Here at Fandango MOVIECLIPS, we love movies as much as you!

Kourtney Kardashian Strips Down for Nude Shoot! | KUWTK | E!

Can Kourt make sisters Khloe and Kim jealous with some super-sexy pics of her own? Watch Kylie Jenner help her sis on "Keeping Up With the Kardashians." SUBSCRIBE: About Keeping Up With the Kardashians: Things change, but this famous family stays the same. Can you keep up with the drama? Connect with the Kardashians: Visit the KUWTK WEBSITE: Like KUWTK on FACEBOOK: Follow KUWTK on TWITTER: About E! Entertainment: E! is on the Pulse of Pop Culture, bringing fans the very best original content including reality series, scripted programming, exclusive specials, breaking entertainment news, streaming events and more. Passionate viewers can’t get enough of our Pop Culture hits including "Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” “Fashion Police,” “The Royals,” "Total Divas” and “Botched.” And with new original programming on the way, fans have even more to love. Connect with E! Entertainment: Visit the E! WEBSITE: Like E! on FACEBOOK: Check out E! on INSTAGRAM: Follow E! on TWITTER: Kourtney Kardashian Strips Down for Nude Shoot! | KUWTK | E!

GoPro Awards: Orca vs. Paddle Board

Captured and submitted by Lukas Reilly after his close encounter with an Orca. Submit your best photos, raw clips and video edits here: Get stoked and subscribe: To license clips from this video go to For more from GoPro, follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: Vine:

Charlotte Crosby's 2016 Resolutions! | MTV

Charlotte chats 2016 resolutions and Gaz secrets with MTV! Click here to never miss any MTV action! GET SOCIAL WITH US? Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Facebook: Official:

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Sing Street Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Aidan Gillen, Maria Doyle Kennedy Movie HD

Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK: Follow us on TWITTER: Sing Street Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Aidan Gillen, Maria Doyle Kennedy Movie HD A boy growing up in Dublin during the 1980s escapes his strained family life by starting a band and moving to London. The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you've been waiting for, the Fandango MOVIECLIPS team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they're released. In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know. Here at Fandango MOVIECLIPS, we love movies as much as you!

GoPro: Red Bull Global RallyCross 2015 Highlights

Look back at the most exciting moments from the 2015 season of the Red Bull Global RallyCross season. Follow the race through to the Championship, from Round 1 in Ft. Lauderdale to Round 12 in Las Vegas. Shot 100% on the HERO4® camera from ‪ Get stoked and subscribe: To license clips from this video go to Music Manics "Get Wit Dis" Link to buy: Noone "Unleased Forces" For more from GoPro, follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: Vine:

Daimh - Dhannsamaid le Ailean (Live at Celtic Connections 2016)

Filmed for BBC Radio 3 and World on 3 at the CCA in Glasgow. For more:

Les Poules à Colin - Breakfast at the Methés (Live at Celtic Connections 2016)

Filmed for BBC Radio 3 and World on 3 at the CCA in Glasgow. For more:

Guess who's back? - EastEnders 2016 - BBC One

Programme website: An old face returns to Walford.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Matthew Perry’s meeting with M Night Shyamalan - The Graham Norton Show: Preview – BBC One

Programme website: Matthew Perry on how he thought he was hanging out with the director M Night Shyamalan

Kris Jenner Gets Furious Over Khloe K.'s Health | KUWTK | E!

Is Khloe putting herself at serious risk? Mama Kris urges her daughter to take a cancer screening but Khloe strikes back on "Keeping Up With the Kardashians." SUBSCRIBE: About Keeping Up With the Kardashians: Things change, but this famous family stays the same. Can you keep up with the drama? Connect with the Kardashians: Visit the KUWTK WEBSITE: Like KUWTK on FACEBOOK: Follow KUWTK on TWITTER: About E! Entertainment: E! is on the Pulse of Pop Culture, bringing fans the very best original content including reality series, scripted programming, exclusive specials, breaking entertainment news, streaming events and more. Passionate viewers can’t get enough of our Pop Culture hits including "Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” “Fashion Police,” “The Royals,” "Total Divas” and “Botched.” And with new original programming on the way, fans have even more to love. Connect with E! Entertainment: Visit the E! WEBSITE: Like E! on FACEBOOK: Check out E! on INSTAGRAM: Follow E! on TWITTER: Kris Jenner Gets Furious Over Khloe K.'s Health | KUWTK | E!

Shetland: Series 3 Episode 2 trailer - BBC One

Programme website: Perez and his team face an uphill battle to uncover the truth

30 Shopkins Easter Eggs Surprise Season4 FULL CASE Opening 60 Ovetti Huevos Shopkins Season 4

Disney Collector presents Shopkins Season4 Easter Surprise Eggs full case opening and unboxing. There are 60 different Shopkins that were opened in this case perfect for Easter Holiday Edition. Please share my video: "30 Shopkins Easter Eggs Surprise" at: Also watch more Season3 playsets: Shopkins Shopping Cart Season3 Push 'n Play NEW 2016. 3 Shopkins Eggs Toys Surprise - Huevos Sorpresa. Shopkins Season3 Season2 Season1 Surprise Baskets. Shopkins Season3 Surprise Using Minnie Mouse Cash Register. Shopkins Season3 Surprise Basket 12-pack. Learn Shopkins Season3 Characters Names Disney Princess. 60 SHOPKINS Season3 Toys Surprise Full Case. Shopkins Surprise Eggs Season 2 using plastilina playdough. Shopkins Season3 Lunch Box Surprise Toys and Eggs. Shopkins Carrito de compra con accesorios Shopping Cart. El Supermercado de Shopkins con Caja Registradora. La Máquina Expendedora Supermercado (Vending Machine). Panadería Pastelería de Dulces Shopkins Spin Mix Bakery Stand. Nuevo "Shopkins So Cool Fridge" Frozen Refrigerator. Shopkins Storage Case Season2 Bolsitas Canastitas Sorpresa. 24 Shopkins FOOD FAIR Collection 3 packs Play Doh Cupcake, Ice Cream, Fast Food Season 3 Surprises. Shopkins Surprise Eggs Barbie Disney Frozen Princess FASHEMS Inside-Out - Clay Buddies Peppa Pig. Shopkins Season3 Shoe Dazzle Playset Fashion Spree Spin 'N Display Shoebox Exclusive.

Is it all over for Phil Mitchell? - EastEnders 2016 - BBC One

Programme website: Phil is re-united with Louise.

Ip Man 3 Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Donnie Yen, Mike Tyson Action Movie HD

Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK: Follow us on TWITTER: Ip Man 3 Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Donnie Yen, Mike Tyson Action Movie HD The highly anticipated third installment of the blockbuster martial arts series, IP MAN 3. Directed by Wilson Yip and starring martial arts icon Donnie Yen (upcoming Rogue One; A Star Wars Story and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2) and boxing legend Mike Tyson, the film will be released theatrically in the US nationwide on January 22, 2016. The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you've been waiting for, the Fandango MOVIECLIPS team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they're released. In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know. Here at Fandango MOVIECLIPS, we love movies as much as you!

Attenborough and the Giant Dinosaur: Trailer - BBC One Sir David Attenborough investigates what could be the biggest the biggest animal ever to walk the earth.

10 Cloverfield Lane Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Mary Elizabeth Winstead, John Goodman Movie HD

Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK: Follow us on TWITTER: 10 Cloverfield Lane Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Mary Elizabeth Winstead, John Goodman, Movie HD Waking up from a car accident, a young woman finds herself in the basement of a man who says he's saved her life from a chemical attack that has left the outside uninhabitable. The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you've been waiting for, the Fandango MOVIECLIPS team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they're released. In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know. Here at Fandango MOVIECLIPS, we love movies as much as you!

Kris Jenner Gets Furious Over Khloe K.'s Health

Is Khloe putting herself at serious risk? Mama Kris urges her daughter to take a cancer screening but Khloe strikes back on "Keeping Up With the Kardashians."

Frank Skinner On Demand with... Romesh Ranganathan - BBC iPlayer

Programme website: Frank Skinner is joined by the comic Romesh Ranganathan. The pair chat about their iPlayer picks of the week ahead of Romesh's upcoming nationwide tour 'Irrational'.

GoPro: Froggin' For Bass

Erik Jackson takes his fogs out in search for some monster bass. Shot 100% on the HERO4® camera from ‪ Get stoked and subscribe: To license clips from this video go to Music New Move "Stegasaurus" Inst For more from GoPro, follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: Vine:

Ex On The Beach Sason 4 | Meet Naomi! | MTV

Naomi and her 'bag full of secrets' make an entry to the Ex Beach! ! It's here! With even more tears, fights, relationships, non-relationships and lots of. Well we're SURE you can guess... Click here to never miss any action from this season!: Get social with MTV: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Facebook: Official:

Ex On The Beach Season 4 | Meet Ashleigh! | MTV

Her last relationship was summed up in a palm tree/squirty water emojii? We can't wait to hear more Ashleigh!! It's here! With even more tears, fights, relationships, non-relationships and lots of. Well we're SURE you can guess... Click here to never miss any action from this season!: Get social with MTV: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Facebook: Official:

10 Cloverfield Lane Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Mary Elizabeth Winstead, John Goodman, Movie HD

Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK: Follow us on TWITTER: 10 Cloverfield Lane Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Mary Elizabeth Winstead, John Goodman, Movie HD Waking up from a car accident, a young woman finds herself in the basement of a man who says he's saved her life from a chemical attack that has left the outside uninhabitable. The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you've been waiting for, the Fandango MOVIECLIPS team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they're released. In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know. Here at Fandango MOVIECLIPS, we love movies as much as you!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Pepita's hotel room - Brian Pern: 45 Years of Prog and Roll - Episode 2 preview - BBC Four

Programme website: Brian is disturbed in his hotel room. When he goes to investigate he is in for a surprise.

Jillian Michaels Freaks Out Over Homework | Just Jillian | E!

It doesn't go well when Jillian tries to help daughter Lukensia with her schoolwork. Watch what happens on "Just Jillian" Tuesdays at 10|9c on E! SUBSCRIBE: About E! Entertainment: E! is on the Pulse of Pop Culture, bringing fans the very best original content including reality series, scripted programming, exclusive specials, breaking entertainment news, streaming events and more. Passionate viewers can’t get enough of our Pop Culture hits including "Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” “Fashion Police,” “The Royals,” "Total Divas” and “Botched.” And with new original programming on the way, fans have even more to love. Connect with E! Entertainment: Visit the E! WEBSITE: Like E! on FACEBOOK: Check out E! on INSTAGRAM: Follow E! on TWITTER: Follow E! on Spotify: Jillian Michaels Freaks Out Over Homework | Just Jillian | E!

GoPro: Shanghai Badminton Session

A young badminton coach in Shanghai wants to keep Badminton and his skills alive. Rather than very strict training, he pursues a relaxed environment to motivate children's interest and passion. Shot 100% on the HERO4® camera from ‪ Get stoked and subscribe: To license clips from this video go to Music Yosi Horikawa "Maki" Zach Sciacca "Sparring Dancers" For more from GoPro, follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: Vine:

The Secret Life of Pets Official 'Snowball' Trailer (2016) - Kevin Hart, Jenny Slate Movie HD

Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK: Follow us on TWITTER: The Secret Life of Pets Official 'Snowball' Trailer (2016) - Kevin Hart, Jenny Slate Movie HD Taking place in a Manhattan apartment building, Max's life as a favorite pet is turned upside down, when his owner brings home a sloppy mongrel named Duke. They have to put their quarrels behind when they find out that an adorable white bunny named Snowball is building an army of abandoned pets determined to take revenge on all happy-owned pets and their owners. The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you've been waiting for, the Fandango MOVIECLIPS team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they're released. In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know. Here at Fandango MOVIECLIPS, we love movies as much as you!

Sport Relief is back! - BBC One

Programme website: The Sport Relief Games will take place at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and at events in Belfast, Cardiff, Glasgow, Norwich and Sheffield. Sign up now at

Shopkins Shoppies Donatina's Donut Delights Playset EXCLUSIVE Mini Donuts and Doll

Moose Toys has just released the new 2016 Shopkins Shoppies Donatina's Donut Delights. Comes with 4 mini donuts, 1 donut cart, 2 exclusive shopkins, fashion bag, 1 shoppe, and doll stand. Donatina has just arrived in Shopville for a whole lot of fun. Happy Dough Donatina. Help her set up her donuts in her Donut Car Shop so she can display the mini donuts. With her head in the clouds, she's a Happy Dough Girl who samples more doughnuts than she sells. As sweet as strawberry pink frosting, she's always around to help her Shoppies friends. Her hobby is Dough Cars Racing. For rewards and surprises don't forget to get your free Shopkins app online at Also watch more Season3 playsets: Shopkins Shopping Cart Season3 Push 'n Play NEW 2015. 3 Shopkins Eggs Toys Surprise - Huevos Sorpresa. Shopkins Season3 Season2 Season1 Surprise Baskets. Shopkins Season3 Surprise Using Minnie Mouse Cash Register. Shopkins Season3 Surprise Basket 12-pack. Learn Shopkins Season3 Characters Names Disney Princess. 60 SHOPKINS Season3 Toys Surprise Full Case. Shopkins Surprise Eggs Season 2 using plastilina playdough. Shopkins Season3 Lunch Box Surprise Toys and Eggs. Shopkins Carrito de compra con accesorios Shopping Cart. El Supermercado de Shopkins con Caja Registradora. La Máquina Expendedora Supermercado (Vending Machine). Panadería Pastelería de Dulces Shopkins Spin Mix Bakery Stand. Nuevo "Shopkins So Cool Fridge" Frozen Refrigerator. Shopkins Storage Case Season2 Bolsitas Canastitas Sorpresa. 24 Shopkins FOOD FAIR Collection 3 packs Play Doh Cupcake, Ice Cream, Fast Food Season 3 Surprises. Shopkins Surprise Eggs Barbie Disney Frozen Princess FASHEMS Inside-Out - Clay Buddies Peppa Pig. Shopkins Season3 Shoe Dazzle Playset Fashion Spree Spin 'N Display Shoebox Exclusive.

Pern Club 2016 - Brian Pern: 45 Years of Prog and Roll - BBC Four

Programme website: Brian posts a vlog ahead of the first episode of his new series.

Contestants take on the Human Satnav blindfolded - Getaway Car: Episode 1 Preview - BBC One

Programmes website: Train drivers by day, the yellow team have a system for tackling the Human Satnav.

Camilla Parker Bowles babysits Prince George - Tracey Ullman's Show: Episode 2 Preview - BBC One

Programme website: Camilla Parker Bowles babysits the heir to the throne.

RIGS Mechanized Combat League @ PSX 2015 I PlayStation VR

We teamed up with Greg Miller from Kinda Funny to capture the energy of RIGS Mechanized Combat League at PlayStation Experience 2015 and offer a taste of what it was like for those lucky enough to experience it for themselves. Learn More:

Disney Sofia the First Blind Bags NEW 2016 Mini Figures Opening Full Case + Disney TsumTsum

These are the new Disney Princess Sofia the First blind bags opening full case with Miles from Tomorrow and Disney TsumTsum blind bags. Play Doh Disney Princess Cinderella's Fairytale Wedding MagiClip. Disney Frozen Magic Color Changers Anna Coronation Dress. Sofia the First Magical Talking Castle Royal Prep Academy. Play-Doh Meal Makin' Kitchen with Princess Sofia the First. Disney Frozen Anna Elsa Sleepover at Barbie Glam House. Princess Sofia Royal Prep Academy Magical Talking Castle. Princesita Sofía Castillo Mágico Parlante juguete de niñas.. Play-doh Sofia the First Royal Tea Party w/ Doc McStuffins: Princess Ariel Rapunzel Slumber Party Sleepover at Barbie. New Sofia The First Royal Tea Party Picnic Talking Doll! NEW Play-Doh Sofia the First Amulet Jewels Vanity Sparkle. Play-Doh Disney Princess Belle Royal Tea Party playdough. Disney Princess Cinderella Royal Tea Party Time Belle. Princess Sofia SLEEPOVER Slumber Party. Sofia the First Royal Prep Academy Dolls Character Collection. Play-Doh Sofia the First Magic Talking Castle w/ Peppa Pig: Barbie Princess Power Dress-up MagiClip Disney Frozen Anna.

Maze Runner: Will Poulter Teases Death Cure Return | MTV

Golden Globe winning Revenant star Will Poulter talks about Maze Runner return! JOIN THE MTV FILM PARTY @ Fill your life with MTV! Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Facebook: Official:

Elsa Takes PigGeorge on A Carriage Ride & Peppa Pig is Babysitting Calico Critters Kids Toys Frozen

Presented by Disney Collector, this is the Calico Critters Carriage Ride. Not only will babies and toddlers enjoy reading the Calico Critters book, A Carriage Ride for Connor and Kerri, but they'll have a blast bringing it to life with this darling playset. Figurines include Mother Shannon and twins Connor and Kerri. It also comes with a baby carriage and toy rattle. Cloverleaf Corners is a magical place of imagination, where animal families all live together, play, laugh, learn and love. There are charming homes, playgrounds, toy shops, schools and more! The clothing is removable and everything is interchangeable. Welcome to Funtoys Disneycollector a toychannel with toys for babies, toddlers, kindergarten kids and preschool children. Let's play and learn together. I'm a huge ToysCollector from DisneyToys to PixarCars, Surprise Eggs, Shopkins, Peppa Pig, Disney Frozen (Frozen Fever), Disney Princesses, My Little Pony MLP and more! Please Share my video: "A Carriage Ride for Connor and Kerri." Also watch: Barbie Color Changing Dolls Little Mermaid Sisters Anna Elsa Ariel Peppa Polly by Disney Collector. Play Doh The Little Mermaid Ariel Magiclip doll with Mermaids Sisters Anna Elsa Cinderella Magic Clip Disney Frozen. Play Doh Mermaid Princess Elsa Anna Magiclip dolls, Lego, Disney Frozen Prince Eric Fairytale Wedding Full Movies. Mermaid Ariel Color Changing Doll Bubble BATH TIME Disney The Little Mermaid Surprise Toys. Dora & Friends Color Changing Doll Little Mermaid Ariel Floating Fountain Pool Bath Toys The Little MERMAID Ariel and Her Mermaids Sisters Swimming Underwater Barbie Dolls The Little Mermaid Ariel Baby Doll Bath Time Bathtub Set Surprise Toys Disney Princess. Play Doh Mermaid SOFIA THE FIRST Disney Princess Anna Elsa Magiclip Mermaids Backpack Surprise Eggs. Play Doh Princess Ariel Flip n Switch Castle MagiClip Disney Frozen Mermaid Elsa Anna & Prince Eric. The Little Mermaid Ariel with Mermaid Sisters Set Attina Aquata Disney The Little Mermaid Baby Dolls. Play Doh Mermaid SOFIA THE FIRST Swimming with Mermaids Anna Elsa Magiclip Disney Surprise Eggs. Disney Frozen Mermaid Elsa Anna Ariel and Sisters Mermaids Swimming Underwater, FULL movies. LEGO DUPLO Ariel's Undersea Castle 10515 with Flounder & Princess Ariel Disney Baby Toys. The Little Mermaid Ariel & Sofia The First Mermaids Swimming

My First Time with Ice Cube HD

Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK: Follow us on TWITTER: My First Time with Ice Cube HD What R-rated movie did Ice Cube sneak into as a kid? Who inspired him to act? Ice Cube reveals all in My First Time. The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you've been waiting for, the Fandango MOVIECLIPS team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they're released. In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know. Here at Fandango MOVIECLIPS, we love movies as much as you!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Croixleur Sigma - Official English Trailer | PS4, PS Vita In the land of Ilance, a group of young woman compete against each other and fight through a tower in hopes of earning the highest honor: control of the land's politics and military, and favor of the Queen. Licensed by Souvenir Circle. Licensed to and Published by Active Gaming Media, Inc.

GoPro: The 66th Parallel - Discovering Iceland with Ben Brown

Professional Kayaker and GoPro Athlete Ben Brown packs his kayak and venture to the 66th parallel to explore its untapped potential. Shot 100% on the HERO4® camera from ‪ Get stoked and subscribe: To license clips from this video go to Music William Ryan Fritch "Bellowing III" "Gloaming Light" Links to buy: For more from GoPro, follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: Vine:

LEGO Marvel's Avengers Team-Up Video

Make arrows rain when you combine Thor and Hawkeye's abilities in ‪LEGO Marvel's Avengers! © 2016 The LEGO Group. © 2016 MARVEL. ™ & © WBEI (s16)

Phone Shop Idol: Trailer - BBC Two

Programme website: Britain’s mobile phone sales force battle it out in Shop Idol - the 'Pulitzer Prize of Telecoms'

What did do on The Voice? - Insert Name Here: Episode 2 - BBC Two

Programme website: What did do sixteen times on The Voice?

Inside My Radio - Launch Trailer | PS4

Can you beat the beat? Journey as a green LED mysteriously trapped inside a dying boombox and play the ultimate musical experience. In this rhythmic platform adventure where your every action needs to be right on the beat, bring electro, dub and disco music back to life!

What 'Room' Is Really About | MTV

Brie Larson talks hidden meanings behind 'Room' discussing the value of love, life and relationships... JOIN IN THE MTV PARTY: Fill your life with MTV! Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Facebook: Official:

NeoLightMedia - Digital Media Agency in Jakarta, Indonesia

​NeoLightMedia, a digital agency base in Jakarta, Indonesia will help recreated a fresh, customized digital marketing solution for our clientele. By saying goodbye to standardized “cookie cutter” online marketing techniques we empower our clients by learning and understanding their business model online and custom tailoring only the best online marketing verticals to their campaign.

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This Or That with Ice Cube HD

Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK: Follow us on TWITTER: This Or That with Ice Cube HD Tiffany Smith challenges Ride Along 2 star Ice Cube to a game of This Or That The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you've been waiting for, the Fandango MOVIECLIPS team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they're released. In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know. Here at Fandango MOVIECLIPS, we love movies as much as you!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Money Monster Official Trailer # 1 (2016) - George Clooney, Julia Roberts Movie HD

Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on FACEBOOK: Follow us on TWITTER: Money Monster Official Trailer # 1 (2016) - George Clooney, Julia Roberts Movie HD In the taut and tense thriller Money Monster, Lee Gates (George Clooney) is a bombastic TV personality whose popular financial network show has made him the money wiz of Wall Street. But after he hawks a high tech stock that mysteriously crashes, an irate investor (Jack O'Connell) takes Gates, his crew, and his ace producer Patty Fenn (Julia Roberts) hostage live on air. Unfolding in real time, Gates and Fenn must find a way to keep themselves alive while simultaneously uncovering the truth behind a tangle of big money lies. The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you've been waiting for, the Fandango MOVIECLIPS team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they're released. In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know. Here at Fandango MOVIECLIPS, we love movies as much as you!